U Shape Drain Mould is simply quite like the detachable and retractable box culvert mold. Unlike the inverted U Shape Drain mold, this is a C-shape mold (U-shape but rotates 90° then place on the ground) which has a top opening for concrete pouring. The mold assembly is for manual operation by hand-joining the necessary elements based on the structural design given. One mold can only produce one type of wall thickness, but also it can fabricate only non-DWF (Dry Weather Flow, a complete flat inner base) precast concrete ditch or drain.
Depending the supplied set of box culvert molds, the sizes of concretes produced by molds possibly range from 400 – 4500 mm width (W) and 400 – 4500 mm height (H) for cross-section side, 60 – 200 mm wall thickness, and the span of precast ranges from 800 – 1000 mm long (L). Such mold has a base panel, two side panels, a rear panel, a retractable inner panel, two front sliding panels for adjusting the different heights of precast concrete. Spacing cylindrical-tubes, Dywidag rods, and welded nuts are included as a locking system along the side and upper parts. Small precast concrete usually has one pair of weep holes, and even some larger precast concrete has two to four pairs of weep holes. These weep holes are for lifting purposes and on-site installation. Every mold panel comes with sealing gaskets to achieve perfect sealing and prevent uncured concrete leakage. Any recommendations or requisitions? LTP Engineering offers customization based on any requirements provided.
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